
Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Smart Decisions for borrowing money - BTE2

 In Business I was tasked with doing one of two tasks, I chose the flow chart and made two ways of the use of the loan, needs and wants.

Do you reckon this is smart, the ways in which I have given you the info on the uses of the loan, needs and wants, why you wouldn't want to spend it on wants?

I found the task pretty easy and simple for what I needed to put in, the tips for the use of a loan from a bank, person or family (anyone that gives out loans). I started with thinking of what you would spend the loan on then I realised it would most likely be needs or wants. That needs are of course needed to be paid for but wants aren't, they do not ever become a required object in your life. Basically, it was easy to state the ideas of wants and needs and what was required and not required, realising an iPhone 10 wouldn't need to be bought and that the rent is important as its money to stay inside your rented home.

Monday, November 30, 2020

Jellie Park - 10 tips for Water Safety - EOTC

 For one of three needed to be done tasks, I have completed the Jellie Park Activity for EOTC Days Activities. This was an easy one to do as I did the 10 tips for Water Safety.

All in all, this was an easy task to do and I found the information very informing and helpful as I would follow them for my safety

Thursday, November 26, 2020


 Today we will be doing an experiment which includes Evaporation and Condensation. For Evaporation, we will be turning a liquid into a gas with energy, heat. Making the particles separate and become spread out as the heat makes them stress and try to move as far away as possible. Condensation will be having a gas be trapped, captured and formed into a liquid, having particles merge closer together but not to close as it could become solid.

Aim: to separate a solution (coke/coke zero) to form a solid + a liquid

Hypothesis: When the Coke is heated and becomes a gas at first we will watch as it vanishes and becomes steam than when we cool it and watch as it becomes back to the liquid it was. Small dots of liquid form and later a wee pile of it, to then back to the amount it was. The reason this occurs is that after bringing down the heat, high temperature to a lower one by the second. Eventually reaching a cool enough temp that we will be able to allow us the ability to take ahold of the container.

Observation: I saw as the blue flame heated the coke and made it intensely bubble. After many minutes the flame made the coke go to a sludge, taking awhile and the gas which condensed up in the tube which was 10cm up to top left of the flask. The flask was where the coke was being held and the tube had a beaker with ice held below it to cool the gas which made its way into the tube by boiling tube.

Conclusion: In a way my hypothesis was right although I said it as if the coke which formed back would have the same concentration yet it didn't, it came out with water and a diluted coke residue. (Refer to Observation to see what happened) When the heat turned the coke to a gas it came up the boiling tube, for transportation and made its way to the cooled tubed. Turning the gasback to the liquid because the cold brang the particles closer to the form of liquid.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Medieval Ages - People in the Middle Ages Didn't Wash their Hands

 In chaos, I was tasked to create a poster on a fact about the Middle Ages which I found interesting as it was disgusting to find out that people during the Medieval Ages would eat their food while having the filthiest hands ever.

I found finding out the facts and creating the poster an alright experience as it was easy but boring since it is work. Talking about the fact was easy as it is just talking about filth, dirt and disgusting things which peasants and people would have on their hands before touching their face or food.

My Discovery Task - Steroids and performance enhancing drugs - Benjamen and Tobey

The Topic in which we chose was Steroids/performance-enhancing drugs, we were to complete the two discovery topics by the end of the term, the other one was Binge drinking but That'll be talked about in the next blog.

The process:

First, we chose one of our topics, we chose steroids/performance-enhancing drugs. Secondly, we decided on the five questions which we did on the difficulty of Legend: 1 green(Easy) 2 yellow(Medium) 2 red (Hard). Then we went into researching and using prior knowledge, this part was mostly used of researching to get our answers as some of our questions needing answers for laws/penalties, issues its linked with and short/long term effects. After this process was done and we felt as what we wrote would be enough, we moved onto the strategies. We saw that the first strategy: Ask for help, was great since its someone with a problem seeking for assistance in getting rid of/toning down the dosages of the performance-enhancing drugs being taken. It will definitely benefit the sufferer in either stopping the addiction or harm the drugs are causing. The second strategy: Hang with friends and talk, will allow an addict to speak with people who are close and gifts the ability to get opinions from the people who are close that will lead the user of Steriods to consider the opinions and take advantage of pursuing them. In the list of strategies, the last one: Make it harder to get ahold of the drugs, enforce more laws. The laws which may be put in place in the future can stop many addicts from continuing their problem and stopping the ability to get possession over them, having more of a crank down on the way in which the way illegal ones are getting sold and passed around. Having more of a focus on drug busting cartels and rings of drug possessors who sell the changed steroids. Lastly, we chose to make the presentation on Canva.

Planning sheet

Steroids and sports enhancing drugs by Tobey Geldard and Benjamen Alexander-Bailey - Canva

I found the overall experience ok as there were points in which there were times that we weren't getting the information we wanted and struggling to make info that was worded in our own words. It was definitely messy with my teammate since we were having points of not being able to produce work due to distractions or boredom. I am proud of the answers we have put out as it shows we understood the information we were reading and wording it was great as it showed we could understand and answer the questions correctly.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Torture in the Middle Age - Slam Dunk Paragraph

 In Chaos, I was tasked with creating a Slam Dunk Paragraph about torture in the Middle Ages. 

Why was Torture used? Unfortunately, the reason a lot of people in the Middle Ages used torture was that its the best way to get something out of a criminal or just as a punishment for their crimes, an example would be a thief, witch or murderer. Examples of the punishments would be pillars, thumb screws, the rack and Catherine wheel (breaking wheel), all of these were deadly and only the thumbscrews would only injure but still cause intense pain. All the methods would eventually lead to a confession/death, some shorter and others taking longer. As I have explained these were used often and had 100% success in either two of the summaries of the acts, death or a confession. Being so useful meant that the techniques would be used basically every time for a confession which was wanted from an unwilling criminal. They worked so well that they were used mostly instead of jail time, but there still was dungeons used as jail cells just not often. As you know now, torture was very useful for a wanted confession and would lead to 100% success. These confessions could've been unsafe.

I found doing the task a little difficult with not wanting to repeat an idea. It was getting evidence sentences that weren't the exact idea but bringing in actual evidence that was different in each sentence. Like one was, death from a wanted confession and another would be the success rate of the sessions.

Budget meal for 4 of $20

 In Business, I have been tasked with finding out a combination of foods which will be enough for a grouping of 4 people. I will need to find a combo which won't be over $20 as that's the budget, there will be as much food chosen unless the budget fails.

#1 Maggi two minute Noodles 5pk - $2.90

#2 Turks Free Range Chicken breast skinless fillet - $8 x2

#3 1.5L Ninety-Nine Lemonade 99% less sugar - $1

total: $19.90


1. Cook up the noodles in a pot for 2-5mins

2. Cut up the chicken 

3. Put the chicken bits into the pan

4. Cook the chicken for 20mins

5. Mix the two ingredients in 4 bowls

6. Pour 4 drinks of the lemonade

7. Enjoy!

I found this assignment pretty alright because the task at hand was simple. I only needed to find some tasty ingredients for the 4 lucky people, it was easy to find these 2 foods and 1 drink. I feel the people would enjoy the chicken noodles with flavouring and the chicken pieces which mix in, being tasty. Overall the time spent doing the task may have been an ok experience, with the findings of the ingredients on countdown not taking too long.

Would you be willing to be on a budget of $20 to find a meal for 4?

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Separate a Mixture using Evaporation

Solute: Solid

Solvent: Liquid

AIM: To find out what will happen to the Copper Sulfate which is above the boiling water on the evaporating basin

Hypothesis: The Solute, Copper Sulfate will be filled a quarter of the way on the evaporating basin and put over the beaker which is filled with water and also is heated. I think that the Solute will be dissolved by the heat and turned into a liquid instead of a solid which it was at first and right after the heating, it will stay at a high temperature for a while.

Equipment: Copper Sulfate Solution, 250mL Beaker, heatproof mat, evaporating basin and element  

At the start of the experiment, we saw as the beaker filled with 100mL of cold water and the evaporating bowl on top with a quarter filled with Copper Sulfate put on top of the element. We put the element on 3 and watched as the water(the solvent) bubbled and evaporated then it would heat up the Solvent, the water inside the Copper Sulfate, the Solution. As the water continued to boil, it would evaporate all the water inside the Copper Sulfate making it a Solute.

My hypothesis was incorrect as I did not note that water inside the Copper Sulfate would evaporate, I also got it wrong that the Copper Sulfate would be a Solute instead I said that it would be a Solute.

I Kind of liked doing this experiment as it was mildly alright at understanding how it worked and the science behind it. Observing was easy because there wasn't to much to see happen while it happened. 

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Filtration Experiment

 Aim: Separate a mixture we have made using filtration

Hypothesis: I think that with this experiment happens that both of the liquids will mix and create one liquid, a mixture of both used. Even when they try to have one filter out it will happen to quick with them both mixing causing a light blue colour and one combination of the both. The reason the mix will happen is that the two have the same sized particles making it impossible for them to separate in the filter.


1. Pour approximately 50mL of copper sulfate solution into a beaker.

2. Add the same volume of sodium carbonate solution.

A reaction will happen, you should see a cloudy blue

precipitate form called copper carbonate.


3.fold filter paper to fit inside the funnel

4. Place the funnel with the filter paper inside of it, into the mouth of a conical flask.


5. we Stirred the mixture in the beaker, then carefully pour it into the funnel. 

6. Observed what happened.

We watched as the two chemicals, Copper sulfate and Sodium Carbonate were put into the funnel

making the combo called Copper Carbonate and Sodium Sulfate. I saw as the Sodium Sulfate came

through as a liquid in the funnel filter and the Copper Carbonate stay put as a solid, a precipitate.

The reason what happened was because of the mixed chemicals being Copper Carbonate previously

before called Copper Sulfate and Sodium Sulfate also previously called Sodium Carbonate being put in

together and each being too different states, one being a solid (copper Carbonate) and the other being a liquid (Sodium Sulfate). Copper Carbonate stayed put because it was a solid and once the Sodium Sulfate, a liquid came through

the filter, it allowed the Copper Carbonate to solidify with Sodium's presence gone.

Dilution Experiment

 Definition of Dilution: Making something less concentrated

Hypothesis: I think the last tube will be the most diluted due to each time the solution keeps getting passed on and mixed, it loses concentration. The least diluted would be the first tube because its the first one which has had the solution mixed first and had the most of the chemical put into it.


1. We had to get 10mL in the first tube

2. 5mL in the rest, the 5 tubes

3. Drop a piece of potassium permanganate, the solute in the first tube

4. Use the pipette to draw out 5mL from the tube which has 10mL in at the time and pt the 5mL which you collected and drop into the next tube

5. Repeat till all have been contaminated with the potassium permanganate

6. Inspect result to see which is most concentrated and most diluted

My hypothesis was right because I saw as the first tube which had the solute first be the darkest in colour meaning it was the most concentrated. I then saw the last tube be contaminated be fainter then the first meaning it was diluted the most.

I know that which one is diluted the most since it would be the least dark in colour and the opposite for most concentrated, since if it has more of a dark colour to it then that will mean it will be high in concentration.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

DTE Assessment T3/4 Reflection

 In DTE, my group and I were assigned to think and agree on an idea. After we had chosen the event, era or place etc, we then had to create it with what materials were needed and a code to be created.

 We started off with knowing what we wanted to build which was at first Mad Max but that was scrapped and replaced with the Colosseum. We proceeded to find instructions and cutout pieces then to print them out and cut them, we soon after cutting them and getting the pieces that putting it together wouldn't work, it would be too flimsy and small and that cutting them up would take way too long. That's when we realised using a massive piece of paper, cardboard and sticking them together would be a much better plan due to the size being bigger because we could cut as much as we wanted rather than the parts limiting us. After using some big A1/A2 paper we managed to cut out a strip which we thought was big enough, then we attached cardboard with hot glue and drew blood spills with red felt.

Coding was a problem due to us having to programme it to constantly smash into each other but the unpredictability of them hitting and then sliding off and going straight into a wall could happen so either doing one forward or just doing the driving manually which wouldn't count as coding.

Here is what we got for our coding:

What we wanted:

Personal Reflection:

I found the experience very interesting because we found out some facts about the colosseum before building, they were proving lies/myths were false, ones I've heard and thought were factual. Overall I was not enjoying the entire process since our group wasn't too good at planning and executing ideas, we could have possibly been more concentrated but we kept getting distracted by chatting and slacking. I found the building with cutouts hard and difficult with the edged ones, the DIY paper strip with some cutout pieces worked well. The size could've been bigger but instead, we didn't have enough cutouts and we couldn't print anymore so we had to do with what we got which was a strip of paper approximately 20-60cm, some cut up cardboard and pieces of the cutouts. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Gymnastics 3 Skills

 In PE, I was tasked with doing 3 separate activities in gymnastics, I found it hard but fun since it was good to be challenging myself and pushing me out of my comfort zone.

Here are 3 videos of my evidence of doing these three activities: Hand/headstand against the wall, Flip off of mini tramp onto foam brick and tuck into rollie through a hula hoop.

Preview attachment IMG_20201103_100459.jpg

Overall the experience was fun and engaging to learn and explore new tricks/skills. I would do this again to test myself another time so I could either improve or learn a new one, best would be to learn more and then after improving the ones I didn't do so well on.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Budgeting Language Dictionary - BST

 In business studies, I have been tasked with creating a Budgeting Language Dictionary. I have included the meaning and why they relate to 'Budgeting', I have completed the task and presented it through 'slides'. It was interesting to find out what the words meant and how they relate to 'Budgeting'.

After doing the research and discovering the meanings and how the words relate to 'Budgeting', it was some fun since some I didn't know a few of them and what they meant. All of this stuff will be needed when you are older and need to bother with money and bills, it is important I will know about this even if this is basic but that doesn't stop the information from being helpful.

Do you think this information was useful or not? Why/why not?

Mixture & Dissolve experiment

 Mixing & dissolving

Mixing: Having two or more substances combine and become one

Dissolving: Having one or more substances combine after a mixture or when in contact with each other

Aim: To see which combination would have the sugar dissolve the best in the conditions they were put in; hot/cold, spatula worth of sugar and stir/no-stir

Method: Getting a beaker and putting either cold/hot water in it then some spatula end size of the sugar, stirring or not and then timing.

Results - bold: my group: Chris, Tobey, Lincoln, Tyson and Me

1. 50mL of cold water + 1 spatula of sugar, stir: 59s, 58s, 61s, 55s, 41s - total: 274sec, average: 54sec

2. 50mL of hot water + 1 spatula of sugar, stir: 25s, 26s, 37s, 31 - total:119sec, average: 29.75sec

3. 50mL of hot water + 1 spatula of sugar, no stir: 46s, 31s, 90s, 87s, 127s - Total: 381sec, average: 76.2sec

4. 50mL of cold water + 1 spatula of sugar, no stir: 41s, 31s, 156s, 231s, 360sec - Total: 819sec, average: 163.8sec


I learnt that depending on if there is stirring or none then it makes a big difference since with/without speed then the concluding of water and sugar speed up will be fast and with none then slow. It can also depend if there is heat or cold involve, heat makes particles move faster and the cold slows them down. If heat and stirring are combined then it will be much faster than cold and no stirring ( no duh). I found the low numbers on the tests which should have taken longer were low, which could mean there was tampering or pure luck.

Monday, October 12, 2020

World mapping of Earthquakes

In chaos, I have mapped Earthquakes, Researched one earthquake. I found the research interesting since I found out about places where terrible, high magnitude earthquakes took place and the times which they happened.

Friday, September 25, 2020

Drill gauge

In metal, we have been making a drill gauge. First one was from on tinkercad and the most recent by using an aluminium piece. I have made many holes and lines from the task given to me, we made the measurements and did the drilling and slicing. We are cutting it out using handsaws (the corners which are apart of the centrepiece, which we only need the centrepiece), so we can use it when we're using drills, getting a gauge on the sizes thus the name.

Alaskan Tsunami in comparisons to some buildings

In Chaos, I have been tasked to make a graph or in my case, a list of building heights compared to the wave of the Alaskan Tsunami in 1958

Top 10 Zombie Apocalypse Rules

 In Chaos, I was tasked with making a list of the top 10 zombie apocalypse rules. Here is my list, they are very important to know about if we do ever have to experience such a situation in the world.

The Marketing Mix - Promotion

For Business and Enterprise, my group and I named FineLine yoyos made cardboard yoyos. For the promotion of our product, we had made some advertisements on google drawings but never printed them. Fast forward to Market Day and we had sold out even without giving the people the knowledge of our product, wow! 
This is one of the advertisements we worked on, very simple but in the end, we didn't create any.

We thought that anyone would purchase our product since it is a yoyo. A simple, for all ages, toy and it is an intersex product so no sexism. This product is just so the user can have some fun, it works with any lifestyle, I think. It could be used as a stress-controlling item or something to cure boredom.

In reality, we never really did spread the word of our product we just hoped people that walked by would be interested in purchasing it. We did have some google drawings which we were planning to print and put around the school but the reality check is that most people will be doing other things like chatting and playing then inspecting adverts.

This strategy we have chosen to use does not at all really appeal to the target market, it does aim at all people but it's going for the people that are active enough to look at all stools just to see what everyone is selling.

Our business prioritised place as the area we chose to sell was close to the 'bank', the place in which people traded real money for paper money that only works with stools at the Market day. Our location wasn't super close to the 'bank but many still walked by and some purchased our product (thanks to all that bought our product). We had a good location in conclusion.

Do you think our product was worth it? Was the stool placement good and did the price seem reasonable?

I think my group and I did badly at promotion since, in the end, we did not go out of our way to promote and advertise it. I am just glad we somehow sold out and made a profit, it was amazing to know even a product you don't have faith in can sell.

Thursday, September 24, 2020


In this slideshow for chemicals, I have shown the work of contraction with a pan with hot particles on it and three trios of ice below it. The particles were moving around and being very hot but due to the absence of a flame, they have slowed and cooled ending up bunched together. The reason for the quickened speed of the cooling is from the ice.

B&E - Reflection

 1. Was your business a success? Why/why not?

It was, because we sold all our products somehow since some were not in the best condition but it surprised me that there was one that was falling apart that sold.

2. How much profit you made/lost - if known

We made $22 dollars in profit since we spent $12 and made $34 in total.

3. 3 things you learnt from B&E 

1. would be that no matter what the product is, people will buy it (even if it is a small group of buyers)

2. Teamwork is needed to work and function as a team 

3. If you slack you will fall behind and not be able to sell a product

4. What things would you change next time?

Getting on top of the work and even though having a laugh is good, it won't get any work done. Having communication at the start and doing the work which is required from us. Toning down the joking around.

5. Highlights from the day

A highlight would be having fun hanging with mates and seeing all our products being bought.

JPEG Image

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Marketing Mix - Place

We are selling yoyos on Market day and were are planning on having our stool anywhere close to the public eye 

 Where will you be producing your product?  

We are making our yo-yo's in M5 and on the laser cutter, we are using M5 as a point where we build and stick the parts of the yo-yo together. The laser cutter is for cutting out the parts of the cardboard and we are bulking them so when we return to M5 we can create the yo-yos.

Where would a good location be for your product on Market Day?

1 think that it works really anywhere, outside inside it doesn't matter unless we really want the public eye then we will want to be somewhere that is where the people are all coming in from. Outside will be more open and aware to the public but inside is nice and easy to have set up.

Pedestrian and traffic flow (does your business rely on people walking past or is your product unique enough that people will seek you out?)

Our product is more likely to not be seen by the public due to it only being an innovated and environmental version of the yoyo so we are more relying on the public to be looking at every stall and not skipping some.

Competition - who else will be selling similar products to you on Market day? How will your product stand out?

I don't think we have competition but if we do then we're probably gonna be beaten because we don't really stand out. Hopefully, a group of people will be interested in our product and will purchase it.

I think that the yoyos will be seen eventually on the day after a bit of time and that it will stick out to more of an older audience, adults and not the youth.

Would you buy this product?

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Can Experiement

 AIM: To see what happens when you put a heated can in cold water

Hypothesis: What will happen? I think the can will go cold when it enters the cold water in the ice cream container even though it was put at near boiling in the sprite can.

Conclusion: We watched the can be put on the aliment to then be heated to a close-to boiling point, later it was put in the ice cream container which had the coldest water we could put in it. It had contracted as soon as the cold water entered through the can's opening and once they both made contact and the reason is that the heat causes the water particles to be moving really fast and cold had their particles moving slow. The cold water slowed the heated water particles and changed the pressure making a sudden change which caused an implosion of the can.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

The marketing Mix - Price

 In business and enterprise, we are looking at selling our product for $2, I will go into an explanation into why I am going to sell it at this price. Basically, we chose the price we did because it seemed cheap and way less than actual yo-yo's which are built out of metal and plastic.

How did you work out what price you were going to sell your product at?

We have agreed on selling it for $2 because of the fact that it is made out of sustainable cardboard, which can be disposed of. From a few sites which we have looked at, they have had been selling at the lowest price of $4.50 and $30 at most. So having at $2 which is half of the cheapest on the sites price's is a good price because it's environmentally sustainable and cheap as chips.

How will you ensure that our product is worth the price you are asking people to pay (quality control)?

 Our price is worth it because its cheap, $2! That is some cash anyone can spare, plus with how you can get rid of it so easily because it's made out of cardboard, something which can be recycled easily. Who wouldn't want something that has a small fee and is disposable?

Some real business's prices for their yo-yo's:

Toyco: cheapest: $8 / Expensive: $57

Duncan's: Cheapest: $4.50 / Expensive: $75

Amazon: Cheapest: $3 / Expensive: $42

What else will you consider when it comes to the price of your product?

The quality and size. These two important things have a relevant role in selling the product, we need it to be strong but since its cardboard then just reinforcing works and the size can be medium, the size of the palm of someone's hand.

I think the price is great and will be attracted to all the people who come to our table. It's a great deal and I think personally, it is an amazing price for something so small and has a bundle of fun that is capable of.

Ki o Rahi

 HistoryBased on the Purakau (legend) of Rahitutakahina and the rescue of his wife Tiarakurapakewai. The tākaro is a reflection of Tupuna storytelling at its best, as well as provides an insight into the way in which they would explain and design Tākaro to reflect their unique "world view". The Papa Tākaro (field) layout of Ki o Rahi and the way the Tākaro is played is a perfect example of this.

Two teams: Kioma and Taniwha

6 Rules of the game:

Taniwha score by hitting the Tupu with the Kī. Kīoma will have Kaitiaki (guardians) around the Tupu to stop Taniwha from hitting the Tupu.

Taniwha scores by throwing the ki by throwing it at the barrel

Kioma score by touching the 7 pous with the ki but don't need to hit all 7

Taniwha must stop Kīoma from scoring by either touching, 2 handed touches, ripping the tag or tackling them in the appropriate area.

Must be running with ki or if standing then need to pass in the 3-5 seconds

 Played 4 quarters or 2 halves of a set time, teams alternate roles of Kioma and taniwha at half or quarter  

Friday, September 11, 2020

Market Mix - Product

My group on Market Day will be planning on selling cardboard yo-yo's, we are thinking of making a profit which is decent, something that's maybe a little over in what we spent like double but over some more.

In this blog, I am exploring the product part of the Market Mix. The features of the yo-yo are that its made out of reuseable cardboard, they can be disposed of easily and they're a great time of joy to play with. It is sustainable but weaker and less durable than an actual yo-yo which is made out of plastic and metal, the size of the yo-yo is 3cm by 3cm in height and length and the width is not too sure The packaging is none, it will be sold in no casing. The materials that are being used are cardboard, hot glue gun and string which will only cost $12 due to we only need to buy the string. This is an innovated product of the yo-yo, and we only need to advertise by putting up some posters or online.

I feel that my group's product is going to make at least some type of profit, something over what we paid. The quality may not be the best since its made out of cardboard but it will be sustainable, and that is great for the environment.
 How To Make YoYo From Cardboard || Diy At Home - YouTube

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Science/Chemicals - Particle Theory

 In chemicals, we are learning about the three states of matter, they are solid, gas and liquid. We also have looked at particles and the meaning behind what each state means, close meaning solid, a little far apart meaning liquid and a lot of space being gas. Solid stay close, Liquid will take volume but not shape and gas does not have a definite shape or volume and will take up the area it is in.

Diffusion: Movement of particles from high concentration to low concentration.

E.g. a smell which stinks or B.O. will spread but will lose its space taken up after a short amount of time

AIM: Observe the effect of temp on the speed of diffusion

Hypothesis: I thought it was going to not be that interesting and I thought the heated water would speed up the amount of space which the chemical would take up and the colder would be slower.

Method: We got two Petri dishes and filled either one with either cold or hot and then we got the chemical dropped in each, we observed the result

Observation and Explanation: We had put Potassium Permognate in two Petri dishes each have cold or warm water. The observation showed that the heat did speed up the amount of space the chemical took up, and the cold was at a slower pace. But in the end, they would take up all the space in the container.

The reason the hotter liquid had the chemical spread faster was that the particles in the heated liquid were moving faster and pushing out the chemical quicker.

Monday, September 7, 2020

9/11 timeline

In Chaos, I have been tasked with choosing an independent task
from a matrix and the one I have completed one of the many to choose
from, I chose 9/11 and I had the job of making a timeline. In the timeline
I have made it tell about the times and events leading to Bill Clinton 
declaring America has sustained a terror attack and will get America's 
allies of the country and itself to take down terrorism.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Marketing Pitch of everyday item

In Business Studies we have been tasked with making a market pitch for an everyday item, we chose a Tissue box, me and Tyson. We chose a tissue box because it was a simple easy product to make the public purchase it.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Disection of Rat - Biology

Today we have dissected a rat, it was an enjoyable but terrible experience. The enjoyable part was seeing what was inside 'Michael', his organs. The terrible part was having to get the whiff of the insides, it was getting worse every sniff. An interesting part was seeing Michael's testicles in Peni's hand, us humans do not deserve to have the power we have on Earth.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

30second film - Film Study

In film study, we have been assigned with the task of making a 30-35 second film which tells a story about anything. We chose to do ours about a junior who sneaks into the learning commons on a normal sunny day and is caught by a teacher, in my group, there were Tobey, Lincoln and Chris.
Here is the video:

What I enjoyed about the filming was how easy the planning and filming was, the flow was simple and never got to the complexity that we didn't want. Every scene was easy to put together, there wasn't much planning to each scene as it was not difficult to know what was gonna happen next.

Our cast was Me being the Teacher, Lincoln being the Junior Student, Tobey being the Senior Student and Chris being both the Cameraman and Editor.

What challenged us was minor, like finding the song/s to put in, in the editing phase. Not much of a challenge during the recording phase and planning.

We had 3 weeks to do this task and I found it alright, it was surely fun to do something of our own like this short film. It was ok to have shots filmed of myself, being one of the two main characters and act out parts which were crucial for the story.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Buainess Studies - Innovation Challenge

Innovation challenge \
  1. Picture of what I want to innovate:
Sesame Street Furry Cookie Monster Sleeping Bag | Crate and Barrel
Sleeping bag

  1. My product which I want to innovate is sleeping bags, the way it is used currently is that you take it out of a bag and unravel it then lastly climb in. I dislike the fact that there is no built-in pillow or heating/cooling system which is lightweight.
  2. I would like it if the bag in which you put it in could extend so putting it back is easier and not time-consuming
  3. That depends on which one you get, there are thick and heat building ones and there are light thin ones which will keep you warm but not hot. They are used to sleeping in and some are quite comfortable, some can be as good as sleeping in your own bed.
  4. We could add a built-in pillow and a lightweight heating/cooling system. These two added features could make sleeping bags more popular as long as it stays the same price as most good sleeping bags or maybe cheaper if the company is willing to make sales in their products but not as much moolah as if they had the same amount sold for a higher price.
  5. Not relevant
  6. Have a control panel which is easy to use like a dial which is right for heat and left for cold with red and blue respectively. Having the pillow be locked in place so that over time the product doesn’t mess up with the pillow ending up at the bottom and same with the heating pads locked in as well.
  7. Cold/heating system - Advantages: gives heating and cooling - Disadvantages: requires batteries and can disfunction if wires are torn (like all electronics)

Built-in pillow - Advantages: comfy for your head - Disadvantages: Quality may drop after a few years of use

9. Choose one of your ideas and create an advertisement (e.g. online add or in a magazine) to help you sell your innovation. Make sure you highlight why your product is better than others that are on the market at the moment.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Community Garden - Sustainability

In sustainability, we have learned how to use different types of shapes to fit in the garden so that space can be used correctly and enough space is created in the plots for a family of four. I had found it alright with finding the plots to build in, although Jeff and I had to restart after one build wasn't enough to feed a family of four. The shapes used were trapeziums, quarter circles and compound rectangles.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

CMM - Customed Dog Tags

Recently we have created three dog tags each with a name on it, preferably. We created these in tinkercad, I had two of them made out of acrylic and one wood. We had to send them to Mr as a DXF from an SVG which we converted.

Friday, August 7, 2020

Business Studies - Steve jobs draft work

Steve Jobs - Draft - Entrepreneur

Steve Job’s was born, February 24th 1955 to two  University of Wisconsin graduate students, Joanne Schieble and Abdulfattah Jandali. They placed their unnamed child up for adoption, and he was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs. Throughout Job’s childhood, he learnt about electronics and chips, how to build them with his adopted father in their family garage. Steve Wozniak was a computer nerd and worked at HP while Steve Jobs worked at Atari. Between the two of them, their love of making things easier and simpler lead to them designing small devices such as the infamous Blue Boxes. These little devices could be connected to your phone to make free long-distance calls. Wozniak and Jobs attended a computer club together, where Wozniak saw a MITS Altair. This build-it-yourself computer inspired him to attempt throwing together a computer at home with cheap parts he had on hand.Ultimately, this led to what would be known as the Apple I, which was constructed with a simple keyboard and TV, and he built the motherboard on a piece of plywood. Steve Jobs saw this and offered to fund its production by selling his van.

 Apple Computer was founded on April 1, 1976, with its home computer product marketed at $666.66 each. They managed to earn enough money to move out of the garage and begin work on the Apple II. During the ’80s, Steve felt like he didn’t want to run the company while overlooking production. So he talked with the CEO of Pepsi, John Sculley to have a few roles in the company and so he did. This allowed Jobs to continue interacting with the development teams without interruption. Xerox was looking for ways to compete and had a graphical interface and pointing device they didn't like. Steve Jobs saw it and got it from them immediately, seeing its potential. This started the creation of the Lisa and Macintosh with two development teams fighting for dominance. Jobs had felt interested in the development of the Lisa but ultimately both Lisa 1 and 2 failed to make great success, the 2nd was half the cost than the first and the Lisa 1 was pricey and the software couldn’t beat other companies’. In ‘84 the Macintosh was released with much glee from Apple. In 1985 everything was going downhill, the company was filled with fighting, Wozniak left due to feeling the company wasn’t going the way he had imagined and Job’s being very eager with ideas to be shared for products. CEO Scully and the board decided that Jobs was too hot-headed and began stripping him of roles that he had in the business until he was barely a figurehead. Ultimately Steve Jobs left, or was fired, depending on who you ask. Apple soon went terrible, having bad sells on new products and was becoming absolutely trash.

Steve had now seen a new beginning with starting NeXT with a few employees. At NeXT Jobs made two computers, The first was revealed through a keynote presentation in ‘88 and did not be a huge success, only selling in the hundreds and having a hefty price tag. The 2nd computer just couldn’t make any sales and get attention, it sold at $5k 1990 money. By ‘93 NeXT was shrinking, and so Jobs sold the hardware department to Cannon and decided to put all his attention on, software. The new operating system, NeXTSTEP, had a colourful GUI and held many improvements still used today.

Research - Digestive System

This week we have been assigned to make a research project on the Digestive System. I have done the task with the help of my group of Chris, Lincoln and me, this was interesting to find out about some of the organs that consist of the Digestive System.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

DTE - Introduction

We have done our own development plan, Ergonomics infographic and learn about how a computer can process and function. Binary code and how computers work with the language.

I enjoyed learning about the concepts of a development plan and what ergonomics is, I also enjoyed learning about the beginner stuff on how computers work and function. I disliked the part on how some of the language being said, I didn't understand. Leaving me with some words coming through one ear and out the other. I feel as if the information should have been simplified a little bit more so few could understand a bit more. 

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Coraline Film Study: Challenges Chart & Identifying 2-3 strengths in Coraline and character of my own choice

What am I learning?
Understand how characters are developed in a film
How does this work show my learning?
It shows that I have understood how a character has encountered and dealt with a problem, described their reaction and also described what their reaction says about the character.
What am I wondering as a result of this learning?
I am wondering that if one problem which a character has faced and dealt with, with a reaction which gives a conclusive opinion on them as a trait but it is a one-time thing doesn't make sense for such a conclusive idea of the character, for there could be another time the character deals with a similar problem which is handled differently and shows a different trait.
Characters 2-3 strengths showed in the story:
Coraline showed curiosity throughout mostly the whole story where there were multiple cases of Coraline wanting to explore unknown areas like the 'Otherworld', the well by her house and the exploration through the pathway to the 'Otherworld'. Coraline has also shown bravery in her quest of leaving the 'other world' as she had to face evil creatures for the eyes of the ghost children and The Beldam herself, Coraline pushed herself to make a rational decision while there for the 2nd to last time when she had to throw the cat at The Beldam's face as a distraction, it seemed to be the best option at that moment. Lastly, Coraline had shown perseverance when throughout her mission to leave the 'other world' and get rid of The Beldam, she had to fight off creatures and the 'love' of the Beldam which The Beldam was disguised as Coraline's 'Other Mother' but Coraline understood she wasn't her real mum since she had button eyes. When Coraline was collecting the last ghost child's eye and she had thrown her triangle circle cut out at the mouse who had the last eye and missed. she thought it was all over and that she had lost but when she had made it to ground level after leaving 'Other Mr Bobinsky's' house the 'other cat' surprised her with the rat and eye which pushed her to continue her mission.

The Beldam:
Characters 2-3 strengths showed in the story:
The Beldam had also shown perseverance throughout her pursuit to fool Coraline into loving her and then eating her soul, she had given love and delicious foods to please Coraline and kept up the act of being her 'Other Mother' till the end where she failed to capture Coraline once again but was finished off. The Beldam had social intelligence when it came to speaking and luring Coraline into the trap when she planned for, she knew how to speak and try to persuade Coraline. She gave what Coraline wanted and kept her act up the whole time till she showed her real self at the end but failed to get Coraline in her trap and is forever locked in her 'Otherworld'.

Perseverance - Is important to have for when you have hit a roadblock or obstacle while trying to pursue something, it gives you motivation and helps you conquer them and allows success come quicker than you once thought.
Social intelligence - Another trait which is one which is very helpful as it gives you a step up in a lot of situations that require you to speak, knowing what to say and understanding what the energy is coming from a group or individual.
Bravery - Bravery is always something which you should have so when it comes to facing something big you aren't in fear and you can face it upfront.

What am I learning?
Understand how characters are developed in a film
How does this work show my learning?
This piece of work shows my understanding of the traits of which I have linked to two characters.
What am I wondering as a result of this learning?
I'm wondering if I have made correct statements and if I have made correct assumptions of traits for the characters.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Coraline Film Study: Timeline

My Timeline of important plot points in 'Coraline':
what am I learning?
Explain how the film's plot is constructed to engage a viewer using technical language
How does this work show my learning?
This workpiece shows that I understand what parts in the film are major and not minor to the plot in which I have put all important parts which I think are to be the major plot points.
What am I wondering as a result of this learning?
I am wondering if what I have put is important and if I had been to brief with the info on plot points. I am also wondering if I have fully understood what a major and minor plot point is.

Business Studies: Entrepeneurs

Complete the table by explaining why the skills are important for an entrepreneur. The first is done as an example for you.
'Reason' the skill is important for an entrepreneur
To track how the business is going from month to month; some businesses might have different needs at different times of the year.
 Being able to save and make purchases which won't lead the business to bankruptcy or to making unnecessary purchases which will do the same.
 Being able to look over what your business is up to, the amount of work which is being done and the money which is racking up. there is also the progress and important data which must be looked at
 To be able to sell products and make your product seem nice and attention-grabbing. Giving a good reason why someone should buy it.
Having people skills is great so that you can get a point across to your customers, the reason they should buy your product.
 Being clear and meaningful, putting your message through in a way that everyone can hear it like a commercial on the tv or on the radio.
Which of the skills above do you think is the most important? (Highlight them in your table). Explain your answer: It is important that you are having an eye on what your business and employees are up to, knowing what they are doing for either all the time or most of it is great because you can put them back in line if they're slacking or failing to work the job in which they are occupying.

50 Famous Quotes About Success And Hard Work - Motivate Amaze Be ...

The quote is by Colin Powell

The way in which this quote means hard work and achievement to me is by the way in which it speaks about wanting a dream to become real but the only way it can is by doing the hard work for it and also having the determination/motivation to do it.