
Wednesday, November 25, 2020

My Discovery Task - Steroids and performance enhancing drugs - Benjamen and Tobey

The Topic in which we chose was Steroids/performance-enhancing drugs, we were to complete the two discovery topics by the end of the term, the other one was Binge drinking but That'll be talked about in the next blog.

The process:

First, we chose one of our topics, we chose steroids/performance-enhancing drugs. Secondly, we decided on the five questions which we did on the difficulty of Legend: 1 green(Easy) 2 yellow(Medium) 2 red (Hard). Then we went into researching and using prior knowledge, this part was mostly used of researching to get our answers as some of our questions needing answers for laws/penalties, issues its linked with and short/long term effects. After this process was done and we felt as what we wrote would be enough, we moved onto the strategies. We saw that the first strategy: Ask for help, was great since its someone with a problem seeking for assistance in getting rid of/toning down the dosages of the performance-enhancing drugs being taken. It will definitely benefit the sufferer in either stopping the addiction or harm the drugs are causing. The second strategy: Hang with friends and talk, will allow an addict to speak with people who are close and gifts the ability to get opinions from the people who are close that will lead the user of Steriods to consider the opinions and take advantage of pursuing them. In the list of strategies, the last one: Make it harder to get ahold of the drugs, enforce more laws. The laws which may be put in place in the future can stop many addicts from continuing their problem and stopping the ability to get possession over them, having more of a crank down on the way in which the way illegal ones are getting sold and passed around. Having more of a focus on drug busting cartels and rings of drug possessors who sell the changed steroids. Lastly, we chose to make the presentation on Canva.

Planning sheet

Steroids and sports enhancing drugs by Tobey Geldard and Benjamen Alexander-Bailey - Canva

I found the overall experience ok as there were points in which there were times that we weren't getting the information we wanted and struggling to make info that was worded in our own words. It was definitely messy with my teammate since we were having points of not being able to produce work due to distractions or boredom. I am proud of the answers we have put out as it shows we understood the information we were reading and wording it was great as it showed we could understand and answer the questions correctly.

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