
Thursday, October 22, 2020

Mixture & Dissolve experiment

 Mixing & dissolving

Mixing: Having two or more substances combine and become one

Dissolving: Having one or more substances combine after a mixture or when in contact with each other

Aim: To see which combination would have the sugar dissolve the best in the conditions they were put in; hot/cold, spatula worth of sugar and stir/no-stir

Method: Getting a beaker and putting either cold/hot water in it then some spatula end size of the sugar, stirring or not and then timing.

Results - bold: my group: Chris, Tobey, Lincoln, Tyson and Me

1. 50mL of cold water + 1 spatula of sugar, stir: 59s, 58s, 61s, 55s, 41s - total: 274sec, average: 54sec

2. 50mL of hot water + 1 spatula of sugar, stir: 25s, 26s, 37s, 31 - total:119sec, average: 29.75sec

3. 50mL of hot water + 1 spatula of sugar, no stir: 46s, 31s, 90s, 87s, 127s - Total: 381sec, average: 76.2sec

4. 50mL of cold water + 1 spatula of sugar, no stir: 41s, 31s, 156s, 231s, 360sec - Total: 819sec, average: 163.8sec


I learnt that depending on if there is stirring or none then it makes a big difference since with/without speed then the concluding of water and sugar speed up will be fast and with none then slow. It can also depend if there is heat or cold involve, heat makes particles move faster and the cold slows them down. If heat and stirring are combined then it will be much faster than cold and no stirring ( no duh). I found the low numbers on the tests which should have taken longer were low, which could mean there was tampering or pure luck.

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