
Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Science/biology - Hands, How They Work

Today we were learning about the hand and what is in it. It was quite interesting to know what is in and what happens in our hands, we talked about the muscles, ligaments, tendons, and phalanges

Muscles-The way muscles work is by having a group to lift and relax to bring up a limb. It can result in the movement of the body.

Ligaments- Are there to connects two bones or cartilages or holds together a joint. They help make it so that we are able to have limbs connect.

Tendons - a flexible but inelastic cord of strong fibrous collagen tissue attaching a muscle to a bone

Phalanges-Are the bones/fingers of the hand

The way the hand works is by are tendons having are muscles attach to the bone, the ligaments hold joints together, letting us bend our finger in two curls. The muscles allow us to bend and move our hands.

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