Atmosphere - feel, energy around
Mood - how you feel, emotions
Location - Where something is happening
Natural - produced in nature, often sun, moon, stars, lightning
Artificial - Man-made light, usually electrical
warm - yellow, makes feel safe, warm
cold - White/blue tone, makes feel clean, clinical
Bright - fills the room, makes feel happy, safe
Dull - fills part of space only, often creepy/murky
Colour palette - predominant colours used in the scene (main)
Brainstorm: Colour/Lighting
What happening - Coraline + her parents having breakfast in the real kitchen - they look depressed, dull, lifeless
Technique- Light - cold
- natural - from cloudy window
Colour - cold
-dark, washed out, faded, muted
-off whites, creams + yellows
Effect on the viewer - feels boring, don't want to be there
feel/think boring, dull, lifeless
Director Purpose (theme) - Set the mood the real world is boring+empty
- makes the other world more appealing
- looks can be deceiving - is not actually a bad place to be
Other techniques Costume/shots/music setting - costume - real parents in simple plain colours + fabrics in dull colours
2nd picture:
What happening -m Coraline + other parents having dinner in the Other Kitchen
-Characters seem vibrant + appealing
- Good food on offer!
Technique - Lighting - artificial - ceiling light bulb
warm - yellowish tone
dull - Parts of room still in shadow
Colour - yellow/oranges/black palette
- warm - makes feel safe/comfortable
Effect on the viewer (feel/think) - happy, want to be there, welcoming, colourful, joyful
Directors Purpose (theme) - looks can be deceiving-looks nice but in reality, it is unsafe.
Make Coraline fee; comfortable - huge improvement-on real world
Other techniques Costume/shots/music setting - Costumes-Colourful,friendly-looking, lots of black/red more fashionable, comfy, warm.
SEXXXY Paragraph on
Workshop 3 follow up task:
In Coraline, a long shot is used quite well to display a dull world. For instance, in this shot, we can see Coraline and the cat standing on a hill with dull colours surrounding them. This shows that the real world is boring and bland but safe since nothing is out to get them. This was done to make the real world seem not fun at all, while the 'Otherworld' seems joyful and alive. This worked well with the surrounding background being dead and not reactive. This can be contrasted to the 'Otherworld' which has more light and charming colours with happy music being played when outside and indoors.
In the film, Coraline, we can see that a long (wide) shot is used to display the whole Bedroom in the 'Otherworld'. This is demonstrated by showing that the bedroom is filled with many nice colours like pink and purple presenting this room was made girly for Coraline. This makes the audience feel as if the 'Other parents' really want the 'otherworld' to be perfect for her so that she can be fulfilled with happiness. The director did this to show that the 'otherworld seems amazing and so the audience doesn't expect this 'otherworld' be a trap. This worked well with the magical music which is played as we are introduced to the bedroom. This can be contrasted to the house in the real world which shows and gives no feeling of magic or exciting colours.
In this shot of Coraline, a medium shot is used to show the details of the lookalike Coraline doll. We see this when the Beldam is letting go of the doll which will be swept into the real world. This makes the audience theorise where the doll could be going or what its meaning is. The purpose of this was to give the audience a chance to theorise what meaning the doll has to the film. Combined with the eerie music which is played to make the scene already mysterious and more creepy makes it work well with the doll. This can be compared to a time later in the movie when Coraline first comes across the tunnel to the "otherworld' although there is spiritual music being played still it gives the audience the chance to theories the meaning of the tunnel.
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Sunday, June 28, 2020
4 screenshots of Coraline with SEXXXY Paragraphs
In Coraline this shot of the Beldam, a medium close up is used. This is demonstrated by showing only the face and of a lifted hand with the Beldam showing a smirk, this makes the audience feel as if the Beldam really isn't up to any good by having a smirk which could mean a troublesome intent. The director did this to make it that the audience could have an idea on what the villain is thinking of doing or just thinking in general. Combined with the bright yellow lighting in the room which gives a calm feeling to the situation at hand makes the viewer have different perspectives to this scene. This reminds me of another time in the film when Coraline first comes into the 'Other world' where her 'Other Parents' seem cool but there is an eerie feeling to them.
In the film Coraline, a Long Shot is used for this scene amazingly. For example, in this shot we can see that it has been taken from a far distance from the end with the door, giving the viewers a curious thought on what could be at the end of the tunnel. This makes the audience feel curious about what is at the end of this blue shaded tunnel with a door which is slightly opened, making us feel as if we want to travel the distance to find out. The reason this shot was taken was for the audience to have a feeling of curiosity by the director. This worked well with the music which made the scene seem spectacular and cool with its spiritual uplifting sound. This reminds me of a time in the film when Coraline has her first encounter with the lively garden that has music playing in the scene which sounds spectacular as well as spiritual.
In this scene of Coraline, a Mid Shot is used, and it is used quite well. For instance, in this scene we can see that we are only seeing Coraline from her shoulders and above while her mother is blurred because of her being in the background, as well we are seeing Coraline is annoyed over something. This makes us understand that something has happened that made her feel annoyed and that she could be expressing it to her mother. This was done so that the viewers could maybe show compassion towards Coraline for her annoyed behaviour or the mother who is probably getting annoyed by Coraline for expressing her feelings of annoyance. This worked well because it shows that the director might want you to feel for the characters. This aspect can be compared to a time later on where Coraline goes shopping with her mother and wants to purchase a pair of gloves which her mother declines and leaves Coraline annoyed.
In this shot of Coraline a medium shot was utilized. We see this when the shot is used to show the emotion in Coraline and the ‘Other Mother’s’’ faces as shown here with Coraline seeming interested in what the ‘Other Mother’ has to say. This makes the audience feel as the ‘Other Mother’ has something to do and she’s telling Coraline an activity which she could do instead of speaking with her. The director did this to display that the ‘Other Mother’ was already occupied and that Coraline was talking with her to find an activity she could do. Combined with the calm warm lighting in the room in which the two characters are standing means there seems to be no danger in the room. This aspect can be compared to the few times Coraline has spoken with the ‘Other Parents’ where there seems to be no danger or life-threatening situations.
Friday, June 26, 2020
Pig Heart dissection
What have we been learning about?
We have been learning about the heart and what to look for in one, we had opened up a pig heart and got to look at the different parts of it.
Why are we dissecting the heart?
Because we needed to learn about the many parts in the muscle and about their functions.
What are the parts of the heart? Did you see them?
I saw the Septum which splits the heart in half making it that the oxygenated blood and non-oxygenated blood don't mix. I saw the ventricles which pump out the blood to the lungs and body helping the blood also give its goods to the body and making sure it circulates. Then there were the valves which stopped the blood from backing outwards and they were between the atrium and the ventricle.
Did you enjoy the dissection? Why/why not?
I was half in half with enjoying the procedure since when I was doing the dissecting I would sometimes get a whiff which smelt like urine but I did enjoy exploring and sticking the tweezers through the atrium.
We have been learning about the heart and what to look for in one, we had opened up a pig heart and got to look at the different parts of it.
Why are we dissecting the heart?
Because we needed to learn about the many parts in the muscle and about their functions.
What are the parts of the heart? Did you see them?
I saw the Septum which splits the heart in half making it that the oxygenated blood and non-oxygenated blood don't mix. I saw the ventricles which pump out the blood to the lungs and body helping the blood also give its goods to the body and making sure it circulates. Then there were the valves which stopped the blood from backing outwards and they were between the atrium and the ventricle.
Did you enjoy the dissection? Why/why not?
I was half in half with enjoying the procedure since when I was doing the dissecting I would sometimes get a whiff which smelt like urine but I did enjoy exploring and sticking the tweezers through the atrium.
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Workshop 2: Linking themes to the impacts of Angles, Movement and Shots
* High angle - Makes the character 'other Wybie' look small, weak and vulnerable
* POV - Other Mother - Dominant and powerful
* Medium Shot - gives us some idea of background but not full
*Audience feels - powerful, we are looking down on Wybie through Other Mothers POV.
- sad/worried for Wybie-he looks small, sad, innocent
- First character in other world to suggest something is not right
*Directors Purpose-makes us feel sorry for Wybie
-Makes audience think that maybe the Other Mother isn't so nice-foreshadowing
In the shot with the other Wybie and the Other Mother, high angle shots are used effectively to show the theme 'Looks can be deceiving'! This is demonstrated through a high angle shot from the point of view of the Other Mother. She is looking down the front porch steps at a scared Other Wybie. This makes the audience feel sorry for Wybie and makes the Other Mother seem powerful. The purpose of this scene was to make the audience think that maybe the Other Mother isn't so nice after all. Combined with the use of lighting, Wybie is in a warm light but is surrounded by darkness, the director has created an atmosphere of caution-something is not right. This reminds the viewer of a later scene where Coraline is looking up at the Other Mother in horror as she throws her through a magical portal into a locked room. This shows that looks can be deceiving because the Other Mother wasn't nice like Coraline first thought.
2nd Picture:
What is happening in this shot?
Coraline is searching for her lookalike doll which has moved from its spot which it was last put.
Angles/shots used:
POV is being used for the doll so that it can stare at Coraline while she searches for it and a dutch tilt is being used as well to add effect.
How does the viewer feel?
The viewer feels as if they are looking through the doll's eyes and are also feeling a sense of being hunted for.
Why did the director do this?
To put the audience through what the doll is seeing; Coraline searching for them.
Additional info music/lightning: Music eerie Lighting: Is dark seeming to be bad or scary.
* High angle - Makes the character 'other Wybie' look small, weak and vulnerable
* POV - Other Mother - Dominant and powerful
* Medium Shot - gives us some idea of background but not full
*Audience feels - powerful, we are looking down on Wybie through Other Mothers POV.
- sad/worried for Wybie-he looks small, sad, innocent
- First character in other world to suggest something is not right
*Directors Purpose-makes us feel sorry for Wybie
-Makes audience think that maybe the Other Mother isn't so nice-foreshadowing
In the shot with the other Wybie and the Other Mother, high angle shots are used effectively to show the theme 'Looks can be deceiving'! This is demonstrated through a high angle shot from the point of view of the Other Mother. She is looking down the front porch steps at a scared Other Wybie. This makes the audience feel sorry for Wybie and makes the Other Mother seem powerful. The purpose of this scene was to make the audience think that maybe the Other Mother isn't so nice after all. Combined with the use of lighting, Wybie is in a warm light but is surrounded by darkness, the director has created an atmosphere of caution-something is not right. This reminds the viewer of a later scene where Coraline is looking up at the Other Mother in horror as she throws her through a magical portal into a locked room. This shows that looks can be deceiving because the Other Mother wasn't nice like Coraline first thought.
2nd Picture:
What is happening in this shot?
Coraline is searching for her lookalike doll which has moved from its spot which it was last put.
Angles/shots used:
POV is being used for the doll so that it can stare at Coraline while she searches for it and a dutch tilt is being used as well to add effect.
How does the viewer feel?
The viewer feels as if they are looking through the doll's eyes and are also feeling a sense of being hunted for.
Why did the director do this?
To put the audience through what the doll is seeing; Coraline searching for them.
Additional info music/lightning: Music eerie Lighting: Is dark seeming to be bad or scary.
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Term 2 Film Study || Coraline Mind Map
What am I learning?
I am learning how to find examples of 'Looks can be deceiving' and why
How does this work show my learning?
It has shown my work by my understanding of the saying 'looks can be deceiving' because of my explanation on parts of Coraline.
What am I wondering as a result of this learning?
I wonder how many other films use this technique on characters and why it works so well.
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Business Studies - Opportunity cost
We are looking at scarcity and opportunity cost. Scarcity is an item having unlimited wants but limited resources and opportunity cost is the loss of other alternatives when one alternative is chosen. In the images below I have shown opportunity cost where there were three options but one was demolished, one was considered a possible choice and one a choice.
Arthritis - Science Research
The Causes of Arthritis: Most types of Arthritis are thought to be caused by a mess up in the immune system that causes the body to attack its own tissues in the joints. This may be inherited genetically meaning it is shared throughout a family. Reactive arthritis is joint pain and swelling triggered by an infection in another part of your body — most often your intestines, genitals or urinary tract. Reactive arthritis usually targets your knees and the joints of your ankles and feet.
Can everyone get arthritis? Who is most likely to get arthritis?
Anyone can get arthritis but the symptoms gradually start to develop, but they can appear suddenly. It is seen mostly seen in adults over the age of 65, it also happens more often in women than men. Even overweight people are at risk.
What are the two most common types?
Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are two of the most common forms.
What are ways to prevent getting arthritis
1. Stay at a healthy weight. Extra pounds put pressure on weight-bearing joints like hips and knees
2. Exercise
3. Control your blood sugar
4. Avoid injury
5. Stretch
6. Eat fish twice a week
How is it treated
Try acupuncture
hot and cold therapy
Pain relief medication
Herbal treatments
Can everyone get arthritis? Who is most likely to get arthritis?
Anyone can get arthritis but the symptoms gradually start to develop, but they can appear suddenly. It is seen mostly seen in adults over the age of 65, it also happens more often in women than men. Even overweight people are at risk.
What are the two most common types?
Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are two of the most common forms.
What are ways to prevent getting arthritis
1. Stay at a healthy weight. Extra pounds put pressure on weight-bearing joints like hips and knees
2. Exercise
3. Control your blood sugar
4. Avoid injury
5. Stretch
6. Eat fish twice a week
How is it treated
Try acupuncture
hot and cold therapy
Pain relief medication
Herbal treatments
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