For one of three needed to be done tasks, I have completed the Jellie Park Activity for EOTC Days Activities. This was an easy one to do as I did the 10 tips for Water Safety.
Monday, November 30, 2020
Jellie Park - 10 tips for Water Safety - EOTC
Thursday, November 26, 2020
Today we will be doing an experiment which includes Evaporation and Condensation. For Evaporation, we will be turning a liquid into a gas with energy, heat. Making the particles separate and become spread out as the heat makes them stress and try to move as far away as possible. Condensation will be having a gas be trapped, captured and formed into a liquid, having particles merge closer together but not to close as it could become solid.
Aim: to separate a solution (coke/coke zero) to form a solid + a liquid
Hypothesis: When the Coke is heated and becomes a gas at first we will watch as it vanishes and becomes steam than when we cool it and watch as it becomes back to the liquid it was. Small dots of liquid form and later a wee pile of it, to then back to the amount it was. The reason this occurs is that after bringing down the heat, high temperature to a lower one by the second. Eventually reaching a cool enough temp that we will be able to allow us the ability to take ahold of the container.
Observation: I saw as the blue flame heated the coke and made it intensely bubble. After many minutes the flame made the coke go to a sludge, taking awhile and the gas which condensed up in the tube which was 10cm up to top left of the flask. The flask was where the coke was being held and the tube had a beaker with ice held below it to cool the gas which made its way into the tube by boiling tube.
Conclusion: In a way my hypothesis was right although I said it as if the coke which formed back would have the same concentration yet it didn't, it came out with water and a diluted coke residue. (Refer to Observation to see what happened) When the heat turned the coke to a gas it came up the boiling tube, for transportation and made its way to the cooled tubed. Turning the gasback to the liquid because the cold brang the particles closer to the form of liquid.
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Medieval Ages - People in the Middle Ages Didn't Wash their Hands
In chaos, I was tasked to create a poster on a fact about the Middle Ages which I found interesting as it was disgusting to find out that people during the Medieval Ages would eat their food while having the filthiest hands ever.
My Discovery Task - Steroids and performance enhancing drugs - Benjamen and Tobey
The Topic in which we chose was Steroids/performance-enhancing drugs, we were to complete the two discovery topics by the end of the term, the other one was Binge drinking but That'll be talked about in the next blog.
The process:
First, we chose one of our topics, we chose steroids/performance-enhancing drugs. Secondly, we decided on the five questions which we did on the difficulty of Legend: 1 green(Easy) 2 yellow(Medium) 2 red (Hard). Then we went into researching and using prior knowledge, this part was mostly used of researching to get our answers as some of our questions needing answers for laws/penalties, issues its linked with and short/long term effects. After this process was done and we felt as what we wrote would be enough, we moved onto the strategies. We saw that the first strategy: Ask for help, was great since its someone with a problem seeking for assistance in getting rid of/toning down the dosages of the performance-enhancing drugs being taken. It will definitely benefit the sufferer in either stopping the addiction or harm the drugs are causing. The second strategy: Hang with friends and talk, will allow an addict to speak with people who are close and gifts the ability to get opinions from the people who are close that will lead the user of Steriods to consider the opinions and take advantage of pursuing them. In the list of strategies, the last one: Make it harder to get ahold of the drugs, enforce more laws. The laws which may be put in place in the future can stop many addicts from continuing their problem and stopping the ability to get possession over them, having more of a crank down on the way in which the way illegal ones are getting sold and passed around. Having more of a focus on drug busting cartels and rings of drug possessors who sell the changed steroids. Lastly, we chose to make the presentation on Canva.
Monday, November 23, 2020
Torture in the Middle Age - Slam Dunk Paragraph
In Chaos, I was tasked with creating a Slam Dunk Paragraph about torture in the Middle Ages.
Why was Torture used? Unfortunately, the reason a lot of people in the Middle Ages used torture was that its the best way to get something out of a criminal or just as a punishment for their crimes, an example would be a thief, witch or murderer. Examples of the punishments would be pillars, thumb screws, the rack and Catherine wheel (breaking wheel), all of these were deadly and only the thumbscrews would only injure but still cause intense pain. All the methods would eventually lead to a confession/death, some shorter and others taking longer. As I have explained these were used often and had 100% success in either two of the summaries of the acts, death or a confession. Being so useful meant that the techniques would be used basically every time for a confession which was wanted from an unwilling criminal. They worked so well that they were used mostly instead of jail time, but there still was dungeons used as jail cells just not often. As you know now, torture was very useful for a wanted confession and would lead to 100% success. These confessions could've been unsafe.
I found doing the task a little difficult with not wanting to repeat an idea. It was getting evidence sentences that weren't the exact idea but bringing in actual evidence that was different in each sentence. Like one was, death from a wanted confession and another would be the success rate of the sessions.
Budget meal for 4 of $20
In Business, I have been tasked with finding out a combination of foods which will be enough for a grouping of 4 people. I will need to find a combo which won't be over $20 as that's the budget, there will be as much food chosen unless the budget fails.
#1 Maggi two minute Noodles 5pk - $2.90
#2 Turks Free Range Chicken breast skinless fillet - $8 x2
#3 1.5L Ninety-Nine Lemonade 99% less sugar - $1
total: $19.90
1. Cook up the noodles in a pot for 2-5mins
2. Cut up the chicken
3. Put the chicken bits into the pan
4. Cook the chicken for 20mins
5. Mix the two ingredients in 4 bowls
6. Pour 4 drinks of the lemonade
7. Enjoy!
I found this assignment pretty alright because the task at hand was simple. I only needed to find some tasty ingredients for the 4 lucky people, it was easy to find these 2 foods and 1 drink. I feel the people would enjoy the chicken noodles with flavouring and the chicken pieces which mix in, being tasty. Overall the time spent doing the task may have been an ok experience, with the findings of the ingredients on countdown not taking too long.
Would you be willing to be on a budget of $20 to find a meal for 4?
Thursday, November 12, 2020
Separate a Mixture using Evaporation
Solute: Solid
Solvent: Liquid
AIM: To find out what will happen to the Copper Sulfate which is above the boiling water on the evaporating basin
Hypothesis: The Solute, Copper Sulfate will be filled a quarter of the way on the evaporating basin and put over the beaker which is filled with water and also is heated. I think that the Solute will be dissolved by the heat and turned into a liquid instead of a solid which it was at first and right after the heating, it will stay at a high temperature for a while.
Equipment: Copper Sulfate Solution, 250mL Beaker, heatproof mat, evaporating basin and element
At the start of the experiment, we saw as the beaker filled with 100mL of cold water and the evaporating bowl on top with a quarter filled with Copper Sulfate put on top of the element. We put the element on 3 and watched as the water(the solvent) bubbled and evaporated then it would heat up the Solvent, the water inside the Copper Sulfate, the Solution. As the water continued to boil, it would evaporate all the water inside the Copper Sulfate making it a Solute.
My hypothesis was incorrect as I did not note that water inside the Copper Sulfate would evaporate, I also got it wrong that the Copper Sulfate would be a Solute instead I said that it would be a Solute.
I Kind of liked doing this experiment as it was mildly alright at understanding how it worked and the science behind it. Observing was easy because there wasn't to much to see happen while it happened.

Thursday, November 5, 2020
Filtration Experiment
Aim: Separate a mixture we have made using filtration
Hypothesis: I think that with this experiment happens that both of the liquids will mix and create one liquid, a mixture of both used. Even when they try to have one filter out it will happen to quick with them both mixing causing a light blue colour and one combination of the both. The reason the mix will happen is that the two have the same sized particles making it impossible for them to separate in the filter.
1. Pour approximately 50mL of copper sulfate solution into a beaker.
2. Add the same volume of sodium carbonate solution.
A reaction will happen, you should see a cloudy blue
precipitate form called copper carbonate.
3.fold filter paper to fit inside the funnel
4. Place the funnel with the filter paper inside of it, into the mouth of a conical flask.
5. we Stirred the mixture in the beaker, then carefully pour it into the funnel.
6. Observed what happened.
We watched as the two chemicals, Copper sulfate and Sodium Carbonate were put into the funnel
making the combo called Copper Carbonate and Sodium Sulfate. I saw as the Sodium Sulfate came
through as a liquid in the funnel filter and the Copper Carbonate stay put as a solid, a precipitate.
The reason what happened was because of the mixed chemicals being Copper Carbonate previously
before called Copper Sulfate and Sodium Sulfate also previously called Sodium Carbonate being put in
together and each being too different states, one being a solid (copper Carbonate) and the other being a liquid (Sodium Sulfate). Copper Carbonate stayed put because it was a solid and once the Sodium Sulfate, a liquid came through
the filter, it allowed the Copper Carbonate to solidify with Sodium's presence gone.
Dilution Experiment
Definition of Dilution: Making something less concentrated
Hypothesis: I think the last tube will be the most diluted due to each time the solution keeps getting passed on and mixed, it loses concentration. The least diluted would be the first tube because its the first one which has had the solution mixed first and had the most of the chemical put into it.
1. We had to get 10mL in the first tube
2. 5mL in the rest, the 5 tubes
3. Drop a piece of potassium permanganate, the solute in the first tube
4. Use the pipette to draw out 5mL from the tube which has 10mL in at the time and pt the 5mL which you collected and drop into the next tube
5. Repeat till all have been contaminated with the potassium permanganate
6. Inspect result to see which is most concentrated and most diluted
My hypothesis was right because I saw as the first tube which had the solute first be the darkest in colour meaning it was the most concentrated. I then saw the last tube be contaminated be fainter then the first meaning it was diluted the most.
I know that which one is diluted the most since it would be the least dark in colour and the opposite for most concentrated, since if it has more of a dark colour to it then that will mean it will be high in concentration.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020
DTE Assessment T3/4 Reflection
In DTE, my group and I were assigned to think and agree on an idea. After we had chosen the event, era or place etc, we then had to create it with what materials were needed and a code to be created.
We started off with knowing what we wanted to build which was at first Mad Max but that was scrapped and replaced with the Colosseum. We proceeded to find instructions and cutout pieces then to print them out and cut them, we soon after cutting them and getting the pieces that putting it together wouldn't work, it would be too flimsy and small and that cutting them up would take way too long. That's when we realised using a massive piece of paper, cardboard and sticking them together would be a much better plan due to the size being bigger because we could cut as much as we wanted rather than the parts limiting us. After using some big A1/A2 paper we managed to cut out a strip which we thought was big enough, then we attached cardboard with hot glue and drew blood spills with red felt.
Coding was a problem due to us having to programme it to constantly smash into each other but the unpredictability of them hitting and then sliding off and going straight into a wall could happen so either doing one forward or just doing the driving manually which wouldn't count as coding.
Here is what we got for our coding:
Personal Reflection:
I found the experience very interesting because we found out some facts about the colosseum before building, they were proving lies/myths were false, ones I've heard and thought were factual. Overall I was not enjoying the entire process since our group wasn't too good at planning and executing ideas, we could have possibly been more concentrated but we kept getting distracted by chatting and slacking. I found the building with cutouts hard and difficult with the edged ones, the DIY paper strip with some cutout pieces worked well. The size could've been bigger but instead, we didn't have enough cutouts and we couldn't print anymore so we had to do with what we got which was a strip of paper approximately 20-60cm, some cut up cardboard and pieces of the cutouts.
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
Gymnastics 3 Skills
In PE, I was tasked with doing 3 separate activities in gymnastics, I found it hard but fun since it was good to be challenging myself and pushing me out of my comfort zone.
Here are 3 videos of my evidence of doing these three activities: Hand/headstand against the wall, Flip off of mini tramp onto foam brick and tuck into rollie through a hula hoop.
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