
Thursday, March 19, 2020

Health - Assessment

Physical=Taha tinana
Social= Taha whanau
Mental=Taha Hinengaro
Spiritual=Taha wairua

Meaning of whare tapa wha:
The meaning of whare tapa wha is a metaphor for the walls of a house = to our wellbeings. If one of the walls of the house fall (e.g. physical, social, mental and spiritual) then the person will become unstable like if your mental wellbeing is down then you will be down in the slumps and too sad or angry to be communicated with.

The concept of Hauora:
The concept of Hauora is that you can reflect on your own well beings and see if you can fix or build on them so that you can be a better person in general and that you don't have problems with e.g. Communicating with people, partaking in sports, connecting with your environment, maybe having a religion which you can believe in and being more social in general.

Scenario 1: effects on well-being

Social: Not being able to communicate with others because of a lack of knowledge around English.
Not being able to partake in class as well because of the lack of knowledge around English.

Mental: Being sad at school since Owen can't speak to others, having a negative opinion on subjects and maybe showing no compassion to others due to low morale. Having no energy to participate in activities due to mind being overflown by emotions.

Physical: Not talking to others because of the lack of knowledge in English and also not playing sports or games with pupils. Not going out to socialise on the weekends and also no sleepovers or play-days
 due to having no friends. Having headaches due to stress because of Owen struggling to understand people speaking English.

Spiritual: Not listening to teachers or others and ignoring everyone in general. Believing that no one wants to help him and disobeying rules.

To overcome bad wellbeing:

Social: Owen asks parents for extra help in learning English and to maybe get professional help.
Use the help (if he does get it) to help himself in school so that he can understand people.

Mental: To Speak to parents, siblings or someone close and tell them about worries and struggles and how to overcome them. Once Owen has done it then he will be less stressed

Physical: Try to play with the other kids by visualisation and learning how to play their games through sight. Try and understand the work in school by asking if there is someone who can understand Owen.

Spiritual: For Owen to believe in himself that he can learn English and to try to understand what others have to say. Use what beliefs he already have and use them to help himself in school.


Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Business Studies - Money advantages vs disadvantages

Advantages of money:
Disadvantages of money:
Being able to pay for items
Can be stolen
Pay bills
Have to work ridiculous hours at bad jobs for cash that will be wasted
Give to loved ones and friends as a gift
Lost easily
Can be reserved
Start arguments
Pay others for service. E.g. Mechanic, fast food and builders
Can be counterfeited
Inflation due to one item being purchased to a point at which there’s not much left to be sold
Pay for what you want
Used as a ransom
Get what you dream about
Used as blackmail

Summary: In conclusion, money has its ups and downs but it is usually reliable. It can keep you alive and get your needs so that you won’t die. In a way, money is flawed and can be exploited. E.g. counterfeiting, bribing and blackmail. So it won’t all ways be on our side or assist you when you need its help.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Business Studies - Question

How does kiwi ingenuity benefit New Zealand as a nation?
It benefits NZ by having extra products which can be sold and help the government so that the people of NZ get better shops, malls and more products in the country leaving the people's morale up high. The products which would be bought would be because of the reliability, useability and quality which would attract people to the product making sales go up and help the economy.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Business Studies - Task: Invention to Improve - Light bulbs to Rechargeable light bulbs

Rechargeable Light bulbs

1. What does it upgrade:
Light bulbs
2.Reason for the improvement:
Because light bulbs currently can be reused and charged. If you bought the product it would slow down the pollution of light bulbs being thrown out.
3. Changes allow:
Rechargeable and reusable
4. Photo old-new
Image result for light bulb 

Price be: $80 includes 4x light bulbs and charger.
To make: $200 estimate
Our product would be the brightest and longest-lasting on the market and most valuable.

Cow Eye Dissection

Aim: To look at a cows eye and the main parts of the eye.
1. Twissors
2. Scissors
3. Gloves
4. Eye
1. Remove the tissue first on the outside
2. Make the first incision in between the cornea and hernia
3.make the delicate cut and remove the Humira then split the eyeball
4. To see the retina which is a blood spot
Gooey blackness (Hermia)
White Tissue
Conclusion: There was a lot of Humira and junk and in general it was disgusting.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

NZ Government Compare and Contrast Paragraph

Today in Power to the People Hurumanu, we learnt about the Maori authority System and the British Settler Government.

This Compare and Contrast is about two systems

Introduce your idea: In NZ there were two types of Governments. One was the Maori authority System, the other British Settler Government.

The Maori authority system was not useful since there was no judges, police or prisons so criminals were only punished by another family which is flawed in some way. Tapu's could be flawed since it would be up to the leaders of the region or anyone in power to punish.

Whereas the British Settler Government system is more built up to be successful since there's a law to control society and if the laws were broken there was set punishments depending on the amount of damage caused.

This matters because it shines a light on the differences between Maori and British and the history of NZ governments.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Athletics: High Jump - Fosbury flop

Fosbury Flop

1. Land with your arms and feet up, on your back

2. When you take off it should be on 1 foot
When you leave the ground you must spin around (use knee to turn)

High jump130m

Definitions of the scientific method

Hypothesis: An educated guess

Equipment: The materials which will be used for the experiment.

Steps: The order in which you carry out the experiment.

Conclusion: Findings and research summarised together.

Findings: What you have found out.

AIM: what we want to find out.

P.E. Hurumanu: Athletics Scores

My goal: In athletics Hurumanu I am going to... try and jump 1 meter in High jump

Shot put
High jump
Long Jump
100m sprints
Long-distance (400m - 1500m)

200m=1:05mins  ,400m=  2:20mins,1500m=  9:09mins

Discus techniques:

  1. Roll-off your small finger
  2. Wrap 4 fingers around it
  3. Stand side to the line
  4. 1 wind up (not 3)

High Jump technique:
Fosbury Flop

1. Land with your arms and feet up, on your back

2. When you take off it should be on 1 foot

When you leave the ground you must spin around (use the knee to turn)

Long Jump technique:
1. Run up is 21 steps
2. Take off will be from the second marker
3. Land will be measured from the back foot
4. Land with both feet together
5. If you are over the second marker when you jump it is a foul jump

50 div time x 60 x 60 div 1000=23.8kmph for 50 meters

Kiwi ingenuity - evaluation ideas

1.  Which one of these examples of kiwi ingenuity do you think would be:

a. Most beneficial: Three calf feeder because it gives you extra time to do on the farm while you feed three calves at a time.
b. least beneficial: The "Scootboard" since it defies the idea of the skateboard by putting handlebars to one which can't turn and is kind of a scooter.

2. Two new Zealander examples which would get other country's attention:

a. The mountain buggy because anyone mother who likes going on walks on rocky terrain would like to bring their baby with them in a buggy which can climb terrain and the people in the other countries could realise how good kiwi ingenuity is by the creation of which they are using and the people who thought about the idea in NZ.

b.Spreadable butter for the people who prefer butter and want butter which can be spread even when cold and the people in the other countries could realise how good kiwi ingenuity is by the creation they are using because of the easy-use.

Image result for spreadable butterImage result for mountain buggy
Image result for scootboardImage result for calf feeder nz

Investigating Light

Investigating Light

What is the fastest way to travel through the universe?
1. At light speed

What is light speed?
2. The speed of light which it travels. (300,000km)

Define optical science?
3. Optics is the branch of physics that studies the behaviour and properties of light, including its interactions with matter and the construction of instruments that use or detect it. Optics usually describes the behaviour of visible, ultraviolet, and infrared light.

What is fibre Optics?
4.the use of thin flexible fibres of glass or other transparent solids to transmit light signals, chiefly for telecommunications or for internal inspection of the body.

Name three instruments that help us see very small objects or objects far away?
2. Microscope
3. Magnifier glass